YouGov Chat Communities

Start a conversation with your audience and survey them directly.

YouGov has the first embeddable chat platform dedicated to audience insight, enabling businesses and brands to survey their fans and customers directly, creating loyal communities.

Why chat? 🤔

Traditional methods of audience insight comes from forms and surveys and with them comes low response rates & missing intelligence from the people that matter the most. Chat appeals to everyone and creates a compelling and ongoing two-way conversation with your audience about the topics they’re most passionate about, delivering you enterprise insight from those you trust.


Average chat completion rate


Average recontact response rate


Average conversation participation time

🔎 Discover more about people

Conversations are more fun, which means respondents will share more about themselves opening up insight that was once hidden

📊 Unearth more actionable insight

Higher levels of engagement and emotional connection with the subject matter creates more carefully considered responses

💬 React quickly to the latest opinions

Chats can be scripted in minutes to get an instant pulse-check from your audience

🙌 Appeal to everyone

Our platform engages young and older age groups in equal measures through a  more natural way of engaging

📱 Innovative UX

Simple to join and fully GDPR compliant.
Real-time feedback for members.
Interactive and creative question types.

Community members can take part in conversations on their mobile, laptop / desktop and tablet. There is nothing for the user to download, ever. You can embed your chat community directly onto your website, launch it unique links or from QR codes in physical locations.

👇 Start a conversation today 👇

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